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'' : '0') + date.getHours() + ':' + (date .getMinutes() > 9 ? '' : '0') + date.getMinutes(); // 根据需要格式化日期 } if (date.getFullYear() == yesterday.getFullYear() && date.getMonth() == yesterday.getMonth() && date .getDate() == yesterday.getDate()) { return '昨天 ' + (date.getHours() > 9 ? '' : '0') + date.getHours() + ':' + (date .getMinutes() > 9 ? '' : '0') + date.getMinutes(); // 根据需要格式化日期 } return date.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + (date.getHours() > 9 ? '' : '0') + date.getHours() + ':' + (date .getMinutes() > 9 ? '' : '0') + date.getMinutes(); // 根据需要格式化日期 }, }, created() { // uni.navigateTo({ // url:'/pages/mine/addFeed' // }) }, methods: { showHis(){ uni.navigateTo({ url:'/pages/mine/feedback' }) }, goBack() { uni.navigateBack(); }, select(e) { console.log('选择文件:', e) let tempFiles = e.tempFiles; for (let i in tempFiles) { this.upfile(tempFiles[i]) } }, upfile(file) { let that = this; uni.uploadFile({ url: 'https://slb-m.lx-device.com/oss/upload/userFeedback', //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址 filePath: file.url, name: 'file', success: (uploadFileRes) => { let resultMap = JSON.parse(uploadFileRes.data).resultMap; that.fileDetailList.push({ name: file.name, fileName: file.name, // 原始文件名 ftpUrl: resultMap.uploadUrl, // 文件访问url }) } }); }, // 上传成功 success(e) { console.log('上传成功') }, saveForm(){ if (!uni.getStorageSync('userNo')) { uni.showToast({ title: '请登录' }) uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/login/login' }) return false; } let that = this; let params = { }; if(!this.contentValue){ uni.showToast({ title: '请输入您遇到的问题', duration: 2000, icon:'none' }); return false; } if(!this.contactMethod){ uni.showToast({ title: '请输入您的联系方式', duration: 2000, icon:'none' }); return false; } uni.showToast({ title: '提交中...', icon:'none' }); params.slbFeedback = JSON.stringify({ type:this.typeValue, content:this.contentValue, contactMethod:this.contactMethod, userNo:uni.getStorageSync('userNo'), }); params.fileDetailList = JSON.stringify(this.fileDetailList); request.post('/slbFeedback/add', params).then(res => { if(res.success){ uni.showToast({ title:'问题反馈已提交', icon:'none', success:()=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ uni.redirectTo({ url:'/pages/mine/feedback' }); },2000) } }) }else{ uni.showToast({ title:res.msg, icon:'none' }) } console.warn(res); }) } }, onLoad() { const appBaseInfo = wx.getAppBaseInfo(); this.wxFontSize = uni.getStorageSync('fontSize')||appBaseInfo.fontSizeSetting||17; } } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> /* 胶囊*/ .tn-custom-nav-bar__back { width: 60%; height: 100%; position: relative; display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box; // background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); border-radius: 1000rpx; border: 1rpx solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); // color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 18px; .icon { display: block; flex: 1; margin: auto; text-align: center; } &:before { content: " "; width: 1rpx; height: 110%; position: absolute; top: 22.5%; left: 0; right: 0; margin: auto; transform: scale(0.5); transform-origin: 0 0; pointer-events: none; box-sizing: border-box; opacity: 0.7; background-color: #FFFFFF; } } </style>